Onion Gıda A.Ş


Polls are made in the spots that are served in order to establish our clients' needs, to determine about their satisfaction and to establish the places that are open to be improved.

There are three types of polls whose contents are prepared by professional people. With the help of these polls, we systematically gather information on the view of our clients about our service, we can have a chance to study and evaluate our performance in a multi-dimensional way. With the data gathered, projects on constant improvement are made by preparing some action plans. With the evaluation of those data which guide us and our clients, we have carried our "customer satisfaction bar" to the top.

Polls on food kinds

For every main course (e.g. soups, main courses, appetizers, desserts, salads, etc.), which forms the meal format chosen by the client, rich sub-course alternatives are offered and polled. This way, new menus are prepared according to the preferred foods that can replace each other in respect of their calorie values, proteins, carbohydrates and fat contents.

This poll program is applied annually in order to understand the client's likes in using and assessing our company's product quality and taste.

Consumer assessment/ Staff satisfaction polls

This is a satisfaction poll given to all the staff members of our clients semi-annually or annually according to preferences. The poll is assessed in four headings: 1. The food's taste and quality, 2. The attitude and manner of our staff, 3. The organization of the hall where the catering service is provided, 4. Service and cleanliness. The satisfaction rate is estimated by percentage. As a result of this action plans are removed and improvement factors are established and actions (improving and preventing) which increase the satisfaction rate are applied in the latter poll.

Consumer corporation satisfaction polls

This kind of poll is given to the executives working in the department which is responsible for the catering services. The poll is assessed in four headings by one person. This person is the representative who is responsible for submitting the poll views which involve all the opinions, suggestions, satisfactions and complaints within a month. All the data are gathered, assessed and the necessary improvements are made immediately before the general poll. This poll is given monthly.